I Was Scared Of Bash
If you’re interested, start the series with part 1.
I admit it. I was scared of bash. It seemed so confusing. Whoever
thought $
was a good character for a command prompt? Right from the
get-go, bash felt strange and foreign.
I was used to the familiar C:\>
. I was even used to the improved C
shell, tcsh, although I don’t remember its prompt character (Wikipedia
shows %
, but I think our system had it modified to >
It just seemed like bash intentionally had been made for an older time, a relic which preexisted any kind of ergonomics or user experience concerns. A cursory examination of the home directory initialization files did little to change that impression. And documentation for bash, such as the man page, was more dense than Amazonian rainforest.
Nevertheless, I ventured in a bit, writing the de rigeur ls
and learning the names of ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile and
~/.bashrc, not really understanding the difference between them
When I had my own system, I finally decided to learn something about the shell. But if I was going to invest myself in a shell, I figured I should learn something that would be more powerful and friendlier than bash (I learned later that was probably a mistake, at least for me).
I picked up zsh, since that seemed to be what all the cool kids were using. It helped that its primary “killer app” was a decent prompt that showed useful things like the status of git repo directories. It used color, and had a plugin system for initialization files and additional functionality. It seemed like a slam dunk.
However, zsh started to lose its appeal. Yes, there was an easy, cool prompt. But I started paying attention to those who were saying oh-my-zsh (the plugin system) was bloated and slow. I also didn’t learn much new about how to use the shell. zsh was designed to be mostly bash-compatible, however, that was a double-edged sword. It carried a lot of the illegibility of bash, while only smoothing off some of the sharp edges. At least, that’s the impression I had. If I was going to invest in learning to script in zsh, not only was I giving up compatibility with most of the systems I work on, I was also going to have to maintain two bodies of very similar knowledge: what bash and zsh can do, and now the difference between them as well.
At this point, I started realizing it was going to be difficult not to learn bash. I hadn’t quite given up yet. I tried fish shell, the friendly interactive shell. I loved it. It was so well-designed, with excellent defaults and simplified setup for those things that I needed to customize (aliases, for example). I had to relearn the basics since it didn’t share anything with bash, but that was a strong point. The basics had been re-imagined and made better.
But, I always would end up needing to work with systems that didn’t have fish, and I couldn’t bring fish with me. In the back of my mind, I knew that everything I learned in fish was keeping from learning the same thing in bash, and I would never get good where I needed to be at my best; production systems.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when I wanted to start automating tasks on production systems. Shell scripting was the best tool for the job. I’m well-versed in Python and Ruby, having done each professionally, but neither is as suited for gluing together command-line utilities as bash. To top it off, fish is weak on scripting. At the time (don’t know about nowadays), the fish team admittedly focused on interactive use and encouraged you to look elsewhere for a scripting language.
I decided that if I were to learn scripting, I would need to immerse myself in bash, including interactively. As I’ve found out, bash may not have all the bells and whistles of fish or zsh, but if you configure a few features under the hood, it’s a perfectly functional and powerful environment. I’ve finished my learning curve and could switch back to another shell, but now I have no need. Bash does everything I want, and does it everywhere I need.
See part 3, Getting Bash.