This is part 30 of a series on how to approach bash programming in a way that’s safer and more structured than your basic script.

See part 1 if you want to catch the series from the start.

Last time, we discussed debugging. This time, let’s talk about parsing options to command-line scripts.

You wouldn’t necessarily think so, but parsing options can actually be a bit of a challenge. Mostly that’s due to the fact that over time, more and more flexibility has been added to the way standard utilities deal with options. These features have now become de rigeur.

There are somewhat formal descriptions of how options should be able to be specified to unix utilities. I’ll reference them later, but let’s start with a simplified picture.

After the name of the command itself, the command-line takes two kinds of input.

The first kind are options. Options are designated with a hyphen, followed by the option name itself. A short option has a single hyphen and a single character, such as -h for help. A long option has a double-dash and multiple characters, such as --help.

The second kind are positional arguments, which typically follow the options. A positional argument is a value by itself with no other adornment to give it meaning besides its position in the list of arguments. They might represent a filename or something else with a string value.

In the realm of options there are also two kinds of values which they represent.

Flags are options which represent boolean values. The presence of the option in the command typically represents true, while the absence of the option represents false.

They are bare options with no other associated information in the command, and usually indicate that the command should change its behavior or do something special, such as print out the help message and exit.

Named arguments are options which form a key-value pair, the name of the option being the key, and the value following the option on the command-line, e.g. --option value.

Named arguments can make string-valued arguments optional, since they may or may not be provided and do not affect the ordering of positional arguments by their absence.

A single hyphen by itself is a valid positional argument or value to a named argument and is not a flag.

Finally there is a special option of a bare double-dash, --. It signifies the end of the options and beginning of positional arguments. After this option, arguments may have values which start with one or two hyphens, whereas before the double-dash those would be interpreted as options instead of values.

All of these rules have been extended or broken with modern command-lines, but we’ll start with them. They are hard enough already! Even the long options aren’t part of the posix specifications, but they are too ubiquitous and useful to skip.

If you search around for how to parse options in bash natively, without the help of external utilities such as getopt, it usually boils down to something like this in the main body of the script:

while [[ $1 == -?* ]]; do
  case $1 in
    -- )
    -o|--option1 )  # flag
    -p|--option2 )  # named argument
    * )
      echo "Invalid option: $1"
      echo "$usage"
      exit 2

This sets some variables based on the options, leaving the positional arguments intact. It handles short and long options, both flags and named arguments. It stops when it encounters a double-dash. Anything else which looks like an option consisting of a hyphen and at least another character is flagged as an unrecognized option.

The shift at the end of the loop ensures that it ends when the arguments do.

We’re going to use the same basic template, but make it more general by parameterizing the definition of the acceptable options. The parseopts function will allow the caller to specify which options are allowed, and will return the positional arguments as well as the options it found on the command-line. It will accept the raw command-line as an argument as well.

Since we’ve got different types of options, we’ll need to pass in a data structure. It only needs a few elements. I’ll use an array with an item for each option definition. Each definition will include two parts, separated by commas.

The first part will be the acceptable option forms, including short and long name if desired, e.g. -o|--option. | is used to separate the forms only if both are given.

The second part is the name we’d like it to be stored in. We won’t be creating variables with them just yet, but the return value should include an array of the options where the elements are in the form of key=value, key being the name provided here.

Finally, we’ll need something to tell the difference between flags and named arguments in our definition. I’ll keep it simple and just say that flags get a third element which is always “f”, for flag. Named arguments won’t require a third element.

Note that since the pipe character is special to bash, if there is a short and long option in one definition, then that line needs to be quoted:


In addition to the parsed options, when the function returns we’ll also want the remaining positional arguments. When we call parseopts, not only will we provide the raw arguments and our options definitions, we’ll also provide the name of two variables we’d like the return arrays to be stored in, one for the options and the other for the remaining positional arguments.

First test:

describe parseopts
  it "returns a short flag"
    defs=( -o,o_flag,f  )
    args=( -o           )
    parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
    assert equal o_flag=1 $options

Here’s the first code:

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_

The function creates a hash called names_, which is indexed by the option, in this case -o. The hash entry contains the name of the variable in which we’ll store the option’s value. The name in this test is o_flag. We’ve made a function denormopts to handle creating that hash, which I’ll show later. In anticipation of some future tests, we’ll also hand it a flags_ return variable, but we won’t use it just yet.

We’re also using the -n option with the local -n opts_ declaration. This is a feature of more recent bash versions. It allows the use of indirection. When the variable is declared, it’s initialized with the name of another variable (the name of the caller’s options return variable in this case). From then on, working with the opts_ variable actually manipulates the variable named by it.

Note that this kind of indirection doesn’t absolve us of namespacing the local variables away from the caller with the use a trailing underscore. There can still be variable naming conflicts with the caller otherwise.

This code is just enough to make the test pass, so it’s not able to handle anything but this test. That’s exactly as intended since we’re tdd’ing this. It’s ok that we’ve hardwired the result to be a boolean flag value, setting it’s value to 1. We’re also only dealing with a single option instead of a list of them, and that’s ok too.

it "returns with _err_=1 if the argument isn't defined"
  defs=( -o,o_flag,f  )
  args=( --other      )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  assert equal 1 $_err_

Here we’re testing that the function returns an error if the argument looks like an option, but wasn’t defined as one.

The key here is that we have to be talking about an argument which looks like an option, i.e. starts with a dash. An argument which doesn’t look like an option simply stops the option parsing and does not cause an error.

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  _err_=0                             # new
  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_
  defined? names_[$1] || {            # new
    _err_=1                           # new
    return                            # new

This time we just test that the option is in the hash. If not, it sets _err_ and returns.

I’ve created a defined? function which just wraps bash’s -v test, which tests for the existence of a variable by its name (with index). That’s one way to test for the existence of a key in the names_ hash.

Because we’re using the global _err_ to indicate a problem, we need to explicitly set it to 0 at the beginning of the function so we don’t get a stale value of _err_ by accident, in the case that we don’t need to set it to 1.

it "returns a named argument"
  defs=( --option,option_val  )
  args=( --option sample      )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  assert equal option_val=sample $options

Now for a named argument:

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A names_=()
  local -A flags_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_
  defined? names_[$1] || {
  ! defined? flags_[$1]               # new
  case $? in                          # new
    0 ) opts_=${names_[$1]}=$2 ;;     # new
    * ) opts_=${names_[$1]}=1  ;;

denormopts has been updated to generate a hash whose keys are the flag options.

The two defined? tests check to see if those keys exist. It serves as a way to tell the difference between a named argument and a flag option.

it "returns a named argument and a flag"
  args=( --option sample -p )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  assert equal "${expecteds[*]}" "${options[*]}"

This tests that we can handle multiple arguments. In this case, the options return value holds an array (as a string, concatenated with IFS).

In order to make the comparison to the expected results easier, we create an array of them and use the same concatenation style to compare. These both require quotes in order to prevent word-splitting.

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_

  while (( $# )); do                      # new
    defined? names_[$1] || {
    ! defined? flags_[$1]
    case $? in
      0 )
        opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=$2 )       # changed
      * ) opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=1 );;    # changed

Here we’ve added a loop to process multiple arguments. It uses the shift-and-test-argument-length method outlined at the beginning of the post. It gathers the resulting key=value pairs in an array and passes it back via indirection through ref_.

So far, so good.

Another test:

it "stops when it encounters a non-option"
  defs=( --option,option_val  )
  args=( --option sample -    )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  assert equal option_val=sample $options

Let’s stop parsing options when we encounter an argument which doesn’t start with a hyphen. To kill two birds with one stone, we’ll use a single hyphen as the non-option argument, since we recognize that as a value, not an option.

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_

  while [[ ${1:-} == -?* ]]; do             # changed
    defined? names_[$1] || {
    ! defined? flags_[$1]
    case $? in
      0 )
        opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=$2 )
      * ) opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=1 );;

We’ve just changed the while loop to check and see that the current argument looks like an option. If not, we can stop there and return the currently collected options.

it "stops when it encounters --"
  args=( --option sample -- -p )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  assert equal option_val=sample $options

Let’s make sure that double-dash signals the end of options.

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_

  while [[ ${1:-} == -?* ]]; do
    [[ $1 == -- ]] && {                   # new
      shift                               # new
      break                               # new
    defined? names_[$1] || {
    ! defined? flags_[$1]
    case $? in
      0 )
        opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=$2 )
      * ) opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=1 );;

We’ve just added a check for double-dash at the top of the loop. If we find it, we shift the double-dash and break the loop, returning whatever we’ve collected so far.

it "returns positional arguments"
  defs=( -o,o_flag,f  )
  args=( -o one two   )
  parseopts "${args[*]}" "${defs[*]}" options posargs
  expecteds=( one two )
  assert equal "${expecteds[*]}" "${posargs[*]}"

Finally, let’s make sure that the positional arguments survive and are handed back as well.

parseopts () {
  local defs_=$2
  local -n opts_=$3
  local -n posargs_=$4
  local -A flags_=()
  local -A names_=()

  set -- $1
  denormopts "$defs_" names_ flags_

  while [[ ${1:-} == -?* ]]; do
    [[ $1 == -- ]] && {
    defined? names_[$1] || {
    ! defined? flags_[$1]
    case $? in
      0 )
        opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=$2 )
      * ) opts_+=( ${names_[$1]}=1 );;
  posargs_=( $@ )     # new

We’ve added a few new lines to shift off the parsed value and return the rest of the positionals.

There we go, a fully functional, programmable option parser. We could write a number more tests in order to make sure we cover a better combination of inputs, but this covers the core of the functionality we wanted. If we encounter undesired behavior, we should write tests at that point, both to fix the behavior as well as to ensure that the code doesn’t regress to that behavior in the future.

We could also add more features, such as automatic help message generation or support for a a version option, but I’ll leave that to you.

The one thing we are missing is support for all of the variations of syntax allowed by the posix and gnu specifications. For example, short named arguments are supposed to be usable either with or without a whitespace between the option name and the value. These two are supposed to be equivalent: -o value and -ovalue. Long named arguments are supposed to allow whitespace or an equals sign: --option value and --option=value.

Obviously our code won’t work for this, but rather than write tests and rewrite the code to support it, gnu offers a tool called getopt which helps handle these for you. We’ll discuss that in the next post.

But before that, I promised to show the code for the denormalization of the option definitions. I won’t go through an explanation for it, but you can probably figure it out by this point:

denormopts () {
  local -n _names_=$2
  local -n _flags_=$3
  local IFS=$IFS
  local _defn_
  local _opt_

  for _defn_ in $1; do
    set -- $_defn_
    for _opt_ in $1; do
      present? ${3:-} && _flags_[$_opt_]=1

Continue with part 31 - getopt